>In conclusion, Endless Legend is a very solid civilization builder game. >Moral Warnings: Some tactical-styled RPG violence use of magic including some darker things like human sacrifices some minor pieces of revealing clothing. >sorry, i only read old man murray and christ centered gamer >Virtual manipulates the successful civilization on Auriga to start looking for the wreck of the space ship, create an escape ship and blast off into space before everything gets frozen solid in an apocalyptic winter >meanwhile the prison ship survivors spend thousands of years rebuilding their civilization, starting from zero >Virtual manages to find the Concrete research he wants but can't get off into space because planet is too fucked up and no space-faring civilization exists on it >One Virtual wakes up, goes to search for lost wonder weapons and manages to manipulate a prison ship to crash land onto Auriga, with a whole bunch of lesser races >War comes to and end as both side annihilate each other >Virtual manages to infiltrate Auriga, a planet which a major Concrete research lab, and fuck it up totally

>Long, drawn out war with no end in sight