Thanks in Advance A quick tutorial video on how to go third-person in Garry's mod~ for consolesv_cheats 1only for singleplayer, won't work in multiplayer in most case I need a way to either acces the option button, wish is hidden behind the gray bar at the bottom of the screen in the menu or a way to change the resolution of the game outside the game. (shrink_weapon_hud 0) Also you can use weapon_shrink (called SHRINK BABY) to manipulate objects' size I cannot change the resolution of my game in Gmod, I changed of graphic card and I guess it screwed it up. !size 5 Now you can remove hud via console command. Each player can type in chat ''!size'' and the size range from 0.1 to 5, default = 1 e.g. Well I did notice that you can shrink npcs by using the context menu but this weapon allows you to shrink npcs and players wich is fun BethanyFrye and I play Garry's Mod, and play with the Shrink Ray Mod! This mod includes a tool that allows you to change the size of another player! Watch as. This video will show you how to change player size in the game Garry's Mod with the addon PAC3.Join my server! our website: this mod includes 3 weapons that can change the npc or player scale, might think of a shrink ray V2. Here are the commands to use my script, to use my commands, simply type them. AND BOOM! i'm 2 times bigger than normal, you can change yourself back to the normal size by setting the number to 1 Script So i've made an script to make it easier for people to use the commands, if you're a person who forgets the command, my script can help you out. You can also use your weapons while shrunk and go into firstperson Second Channel!: Plz :D? :. You are then able to climb walls and sneak into tight places that you normally can't get into. It allows you to shrink down into a tiny version of yourself, with hitboxes and collisions working. You can also (), so if you want to help with anything, feel free to fork the project, make changes and create a pull request when you're done.The addon is heavily inspired by a mod to Minecraft called Gulliver's resize mod. Includes an optional "Immersive First Person" mode and keybinds for switching between camera modes and for flipping the camera side.

You can switch between first and third person at will and all the camera settings can be adjusted in the mod options menu. This mod lets you play the game in third person mode.