Unlike most others of its kind, the Instigator is pained pitch-black with sickly yellowish-green accents along the edges of the hull and bridge. The Instigator is a Raider II-class Corvette was produced by starship construction company Kuat Drive Yards for the Galactic Empire's naval forces its design was reminiscent of the dagger-shaped hulls of larger ships used by the Galactic Empire, such as the Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Supported by the personal ships of Opress Squadron's members, the Instigator can be found docked in Aliso City, either at Landsdown Docks or Clan Plagueis’s own spaceport. In keeping with Opress Squadron's role as a team of elite commandos that deploy to hostile situations, the Instigator often operates independently of the rest of Command Force Aurek and the Ascendant Fleet as a whole. However, the Instigator is part of Command Force Aurek and thus reports directly to the Summit of Clan Plagueis. The Instigator is one of the six Raider II-class Corvettes under the command of the Ascendant Fleet. The Instigator is a Raider II-class Corvette that serves as the base of operations of Opress Squadron. Opress Squadron (Member's Personal Ships)