The only reason DLC content is encrypted is to protect against piracy. You pay for the main "base game" you pay for DLC, why should it be any different, when PC's are allowed to edit base game files, it should not be any different for DLC. Nothing would be changing, or be exclusive, PC's have always been able to edit game files, and consoles have not.

There are tons of gaming companies / publishers out there that make two different versions of their games, one for PC, another for consoles. Consoles have always been locked down, that is just one of the many advantages of gaming on a PC. If you don't like not being able to make edits, then buy a PC or MAC. Lots of things are exclusive to PC/MAC, but we are not talking about scripts that can't run on consoles, we are talking simple edits that have been possible for years, since the beginning of FS. It would not be the first time Giant released DLC for PC/MAC only.