But no, Aspyr apparently put no work into making this game actually playable. I was hoping that either auto-aim or the sensitivity would be fixed, maybe even add gyroscopic aiming. Somehow, though, despite the game being 16 years old and designed for the original Xbox, it frequently drops below 20fps on the several-times-more-powerful Switch. If you were hoping Aspyr would bring SWRC into the modern era, you are sadly mistaken. The graphics look pretty much identical to the original release, save for some texture up scales I have read about. The graphics look pretty much identical to the Calling this “remastered” is one of the scummiest lies I’ve seen employed to sell a game. … ExpandĬalling this “remastered” is one of the scummiest lies I’ve seen employed to sell a game. Honestly the only complaint I have is why they didn’t release it sooner and where is the online multiplayer option like they did with Star Wars Jedi Academy. If you’re very easily bothered by frame drops then wait for the patch as Aspyr said they are working on a performance fix. And it looks great on the Nintendo switches screen. But if you prefer to play portability then this is the only version you can do that on. Sure the Xbox One and PS4 versions are better when it comes to both frame rate and visuals with additional lighting, shadows and textures. Visually it’s better than playing it on the OG Xbox or Xbox 360 through backwards compatibility due to increased resolution, it has wide screen support and it’s now portable. I have also seen others complaining that this isn’t a remaster when the company Aspyr has never claimed remastering it just porting it. The performance takes some dips during explosions and when loading into a new area otherwise it is very much playable from start to finish. The performance takes some dips during explosions I love this game it actually plays much better on the switch than other people are claiming. I love this game it actually plays much better on the switch than other people are claiming.